Pleased To Meet Me: Henry G (Les Soniques)
Introduce yourself (where are you from, what band do you play in etc..)
Hey! I’m Henry G and I’m an artist and musician from Vancouver, BC! Formerly of Kid Lucifer and In Fiume and currently playing with Les Soniques and under my own name. I just put out my debut back in June “Anxiety Attacks” and it’s basically a compilation of songs I’ve recorded thru the years in various apartments in Montreal. I also do illustrations an graphic art! Art is fun.
Why do you play music?
It feels great and it’s fun to make something out of nothing, no other feeling like it. It’s taken me to some pretty interesting places too.
What was a major influence on you as an artist?
Some major influences that have stuck throughout the years are The Stooges, Girls, The Clientele, Daniel Johnston and R Stevie Moore to name a few. Montreal Artists like Palmetto, Binoculars, Hanorah, No Bro, The Kommenden, Population II are all really amazing and inspiring artists/bands.
What’s your ideal festival lineup?
The whole lineup from Woodstock 99
Do you prefer the recording process or playing live?
I definitely prefer playing live. I miss getting together and seeing your friends and having a stupid amount of fun at shows. I even miss lugging my insanely heavy amp up and down staircases! Recording for me is more of an individual pursuit, I find it relaxing and meditative when I get into a good groove.
Who wouldn’t want to smoke a J with Cyndi Lauper?
What would be a dream collaboration?
Definitely Cyndi Lauper, I love her style and voice. Time after Time hits like no other. Also seems cool like you could smoke a jay with her, ya know?
Describe a Favorite album…
Difficult question but I would have to say Album by Girls. That record is an absolute masterpiece and there is so much variety in style, sound and recording techniques. It’s been my go-to record since forever and no matter how I am feeling it never fails to resonate.
What’s your favorite local haunt?
L’esco, Courcelle, The Bog, Pam Pam, Datcha, The Diving Bell to name a few…
What’s your strangest experience while playing live?
Getting electrocuted, having the fire sprinkler go off, somebody defecating themselves to name a few of the weirdest!
What are some of your favourite aspects of being a musician in Montreal?
The fact that you’re immersed around people who are truly amazing and talented. People who truly work hard at no matter what they do and have hustle, which I admire. It’s a bit of a hustle but it’s well worth it. You can thrive if you really want to.
Has the current |Covid-19 Pandemic and Quarantine influenced your creative process?
Yes absolutely. It’s been all ups and downs for me, some days I am very inspired by something I hear or see, other days I feel dismal about not being able to do the things I love doing. But overall, I have been writing songs, reading and journaling, and planning to begin on my record this winter. My next record is really gonna slap!
If you weren’t playing music in Montreal where would you be?
Probably Bristol UK or Victoria BC, somewhere mild.
Any sage advice for young musicians?
Don’t be fake and keep your nose clean!