Pleased To Meet Me: Meggie Lennon
Image by: Mélissa Gamache
Introduce yourself… (Where are you from, what band do you play in etc..)
I’m originally from Thetford Mines, but I moved to Québec City to go to college, stayed there for more than a dozen years, and then moved to Montréal. It’s my fourth year here and I love it! This is where « Meggie Lennon » was born.
Why do you play music?
Because I like the thrill of being on stage, connect with the audience and turn them on.
What was a major influence on you as an Artist/Band?
I’m a huge Beatles fan. They’ll always have an influence in some ways on how I compose my music. For the album specifically, I listened to more « modern » music such as Front Row Seat to Earth by Weyes Blood, Congratulations by MGMT and Currents by Tame Impala.
What’s a favourite book or film?
Film wise, I’d say a Single Man and Moon are up there in my top five. The first one for Tom Ford’s beautiful shots and direction and the second for Sam Rockwell’s insane performance.
Do you prefer the recording process or performing live?
I’d say the recording process because I am an avid learner and loved that Sam (Gemme) would take the time and describe the steps I wasn’t familiar with, especially related to mixing. Performing is fun but still a challenge for me.
What would be a dream collaboration? I would love to collaborate with Mathieu Pelletier Gagnon of Flore Laurentienne. I always loved those rich string sounds and while I’ve always produced them with synths, I’d love that we’d collaborate to create actual strings arrangements for my songs.
Describe a favourite album. Do I dare say Revolver?
What's your favourite local haunt? I’d say 180 grams is a pretty sweet spot for vinyls and the wines and sandwiches from Mitch Deli next door are really good.
What's your strangest experience while performing live? I could say singing « Ton Amour, Ma Bouche » in front of my dad was a rather cringeworthy moment.
What are some of your favourite aspects of being a musician in MTL?
The community! It’s great! It’s rather easy to navigate.
Has the current COVID-19 pandemic and quarantine influenced your creative process?
No so much. I was able to keep my creative partners in my « bubble » so I was pretty lucky. I missed the live shows though. I missed meeting new people, those who usually fed me with material for my songs.
If you weren’t playing music in MTL where would you be ?
In Croatia maybe? Who knows?
Any sage advice for young musicians?
In studio, trust your instincts and make sure you choose a team/producer you trust and connect with. Also, practice in front of friends and other people. The more you do it, the better you’ll feel on stage. Live performance is fun, but can sometimes be nerve wracking. The more you do it, the more you’ll let yourself go! It’s a great feeling!
For a deeper dive into Meggie Lennon’s influences check out the awesome playlist that Meggie made for us below!