Pleased To Meet Me: Truck Violence
Image: SCUM
Introduce yourself... (Where are you from, what band do you play in etc..)
My name is Karsyn Henderson, I’m from lac la biche / plamondon area, Alberta. I’m the vocalist of Truck Violence.
Why do you play music?
I’d figure because it was the most accessible and most spiteful form of expression available to me as a kid, I can concoct a few ad-hoc reasons for why I do it now but realistically it all stems from the shear noise, a green light to be as loud and spiteful as I liked. Nowadays though I like to think about music as a sort of poetic revival, poetry is for all intended purposes, a dead artform, one that I feel the most dear to me for a plethora of easily intuited reasons, and I firmly believe musical recitation is the only way to lend it some life in current day.
What was a major influence on you as an Artist/Band?
For myself, It’d be the degree to which people around me were unhappy and felt unachieved. There is a sort of bluntness in it, a series of embarrassing steps and candid lines, this plays very well into song and dance. As for music, I’ve always enjoyed artists who aren’t afraid of their inadequacies, inadequacy is for me, and the likes of which, bring you most to your knees and too makes those knees most naked. There’s a weird epidemic of empowerment in music, I think it is very contrary to art as I see it.
What’s a favourite book or film?
Maybe selected prose by Marina Tsvataeva? Enjoyed Petersburg by Andrei Bely recently, or really any poems by Goethe. As for films, I really like Meet the Fockers or Little Fockers.
Do you prefer the recording process or performing live?
Live, this music is meant to be heard live.
What would be a dream collaboration?
Probably AC/DC
Describe a favourite album.
It’s always in flux, though right now I’d say either ‘Count Batemen’ by Frog or ‘Just Got Back from the Discomfort We’re Alright’ by Brave Little Abacus. Both those albums feel like absolute unique voices, rich in their own right and unabashedly so.
What's your favourite local haunt?
I don’t leave the house, I am a horrible hermit. I do like leaving the city though, maybe if anywhere but here counts as a haunt, then I’d go with that.
What's your strangest experience while performing live?
How long it takes to set up, everytime.
What are some of your favourite aspects of being a
musician in Montréal?
Montreal is cheap, artists can afford to live and bum around, the scene thrives because of it. It’s trending the opposite as of late, but till then it’ll keep on kicking.
Has the current COVID-19 pandemic and quarantine
influenced your creative process?
No, it’s remained the same through and through. Creative process is always a solitary labor, that never changes, at least for me.
If you weren’t playing music in Montréal where would you be ?
Anywhere in BC or Alberta.
Any sage advice for young musicians?
I’m a young musician so it might be a bit rich of me to give any advice here. Though if I had to give any, It’d be to absolutely have humility, rockstars do not exist, we all barely cover our monthly expenses, we all live in less than desirable apartments, work a less than desirable job and so on. Do not lord your local buzz over other people, you look like a dumbass. Fall in love with creating, and creating something new, spend time actually learning and thinking about the craft.
You can pre order Truck Viloence’s VIOLENCE on Bandcamp below:
You can oder Truck Violence’s VIOLENCE cassette via MOTHLAND here.