GGRMS May 14, 2021


As third winter ends and summer finally began properly in the metropolis of Montréal, Prince Palu struggled with still not being able to do the show live with his comrade Oncle Ian, in their beloved headquarters at CJLO studios on the beautiful Loyola campus of Concordia University. Finding strength, as always, in the music he followed the tunes to find his happy place with a delicious blend of rock n roll, country, psychedelic and soul.

Lots of great new songs this week from Jesuslesfilles, Foreign Diplomats, Mort Rose, Lumiére, Whitney K, Rose City Band, Hippie Hourrah, Paul Jacobs, Babe Rainbow and Spellling.

Prince Palu also began his summer 2021 project to place Rheostatics into heavy rotation to rightly earn them the household name status they deserve. He is under no delusion that he alone can do this from a little campus radio station, tucked away in the western end of Montréal, but he does have great faith in shooting sound waves out into the cosmos to have them reverberate amongst the stars and find there way into the collected consciousness that is life, the universe and everything. Let’s celebrate the 30th anniversary of Melville this year and builds toward the 30th anniversary next year of Rheostatics masterpiece Whale Music.

Ian MacPherson